Thursday, September 5, 2013

#AskYounusAlGohar Question & Answer Session - Part 3

17) When did His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi arrive in this world?
According to a Hadith (Prophetic Tradition), the names of the parents of Imam Mehdi’s will be the same as the names of the parents of Prophet Mohammad and Imam Mehdi’s name would be the same as Prophet Mohammad’s. The truth is: Abdullah, whom the Muslims of the world know as the father of Prophet Mohammad, passed away two years before the Prophet came into this world. Now, if the Prophet Mohammad does not have a father, then how would the name of Imam Mehdi’s parents be the same as the Prophet’s? I am stating the truth and I say it with a challenge to all the Muslims of the world that there is no evidence that Abdullah was the father of the Prophet. There are many false stories related to Abdullah, but all the Islamic scholars know that the Prophet Mohammad arrived into this world two years after his death.

The era of Prophet Mohammad was not very long ago, about 1432 years. Even if we look 5000 years back at the people, their way of life and their accomplishments, or at the pyramids of Egypt (which are about 10,000 years old), people think that there was nothing at the time, so how could they have built them? 

Human beings think that they are the most advanced in this era and before this there was nothing. But you should know that this world was created many times and then destroyed many times. It was completely destroyed and then created again, and each time, prophets and messengers were sent. A common Adam was sent and then the eminent Adam, created in paradise, was sent. The knowledge of Seeing God was introduced and Dhikr-e-Qalb and Ism-e-Dhaat were given also. Ism-e-Dhaat was given to Prophet 
Mohammad and Prophet Mohammad had previously arrived into this world also.

Once, I was travelling in the Esoteric Realm and I came across the Sun. Curious to see where it went, I went to the valley where the Sun set. I saw that the Sun sets after every minute and the Moon comes out. In about 10 minutes, the cycle was completed 10 times – the Sun would rise and then set. I asked, 'What station is this?' I was told, 'This is Alam-e-Baala.' There is Alam-e-Maala which is the Station of the Archangels, but this was Alam-e-Baala, the station where Jesus stayed. Suddenly I felt an itch on my body and I woke up. I had seen that in my sleep, and when I opened my eyes, 10-12 hours had passed. But in the Esoteric Realm, I was told 9,500 years had passed.

Now, the point is: Prophet Mohammad came into this world 12 times as the Imam al Ambiya (Head of all Prophets), but no one can prove that in any of these eras, the Prophet had a father. When 11 times in the past it cannot be proved that the Prophet had a father, then how can we believe it the 12th time?
Once Khidr said to me, ‘Do you want to go to Medina?’ I said, ‘Let’s go.’ But when we got there, there were only mountains and sand. I said, 'This is not Medina; there is a mosque there and the Tomb of the Prophet in Medina.' But he said, 'This is Medina. Look at the Prophet sitting in the hut.' I didn’t believe it, so Khidr told the horse to take us closer, but the horse said, 'If he (HH Younus AlGohar) wants to, only then I will go.' I said, 'Okay, let us go and see.' When we got there I said, ‘Ya Rasool Allah, what has happened to your Medina? Eben you do not look like Prophet Mohammad.’ He said to me, 'Why don’t you lift the veils and look at the images of all the prophets who came in this era?' I did not recognise a single prophet. I asked where the images of Moses, Jesus and David were. He said, 'There is no Moses, Jesus or David among the prophets that God has sent; there is no Israel, Abraham, Joseph or Jacob. The images are all of the prophets and I am the Imam al Ambiya.' Then I heard the voice of His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi. HDE said, ‘Do not worry. You are seeing a scene from the previous world. That world has been destroyed. That is the list of the prophets of that time and that is the arrival of Prophet Mohammad at that time.’
Prophet Mohammad has said, ‘Even before I came into this world, I was a prophet.’ When I met with the people of that era, they too had Ism-e-Dhaat. Prophet Mohammad came to the world created before this and the one before that also. Now, if Prophet Mohammad came again and again, would Imam Mehdi not have come also?

The Quran introduces man as being created from a drop of dirty blood and made from clay and fire. But to associate these things with the Prophet Mohammad would nullify his purity and eminence. Therefore, the Prophet Mohammad is not born from semen. God created the Prophet from his Divine Light.
Hadith:  I am from the Divine Light of God and Momineen are from my Divine Light (Ana min Noor Allah wal Momineen min Noori). 

There is another Hadith in which the Prophet said, ‘First of all, God created my Divine Light (Noor).’ And we can verify this Hadith because we have seen that the Prophet is all Noor. Every time the world was created and in every era that the Prophet came, God created him with Divine Light and sent him to the world. Those who say that Prophet Mohammad is not made of Noor are rejecters of the Quran. The Quran says that the Prophet was sent into the world as ‘Siraj un Muneer’. For those who do not know the meaning of Siraj un Muneer, it means, 'The Candle of Noor (Divine Light)'. Those who deny this are as ignorant as Abu Jahal.

How did the creation of the Prophet from Divine Light happen? Gabriel came to the mother of the Prophet and he brought with him a seed of Divine Light from Alam-e-Baala (Jabrout). Just as there are the terrestrial souls (botanical soul, mineral soul and animal soul) and the celestial soul, some Divine Light is botanical, some Divine Light is mineral and some Divine Light is animal. The Shajar tun Noor (Tree of Divine Light) is a tree in Sidra tul Muntaha and there are many trees there. There is a tree of the Kalima, there is a tree of the name Mohammad and there is a tree of Ism-e-Dhaat (God’s Personal Name). The seeds of all of these trees have the name of God hidden in them and when they are implanted in the heart, the plant of Ism-e-Dhaat sprouts from within.

Now the Seed of Light from the Tree of Light was not just one seed, it consisted of 3 seeds. There were three types of Divine Light; from each, the botanical soul, the mineral soul and the animal soul came out. The three types of Divine Light of the seed and also the white liquid (which had the mineral Divine Light mixed in) was given to the mother of the Prophet, Bibi Amina, by Gabriel. And when she drank it, the body of the Prophet Mohammad was formed.

Now, why was the mineral Divine Light added to the liquid? Because, the head of all mineral things had already been sent to the world and it is known as the Hajar al Aswad (Holy Black Stone). The Hajar al Aswad is from a mountain of Divine Light where the all the trees are. There are two parts of the Hajar al Aswad. It is a part of the Taboot-e-Sakina (Ark of Covenant). The Hajar al Aswad is the mineral soul, but there is another part of the Hajar al Aswad that has a botanical soul and an animal soul also. When the 2 parts gather and all three of the souls come together, it is known as the Taboot-e-Sakina. One part of the Taboot-e-Sakina is in the Kaaba and it is possible that the other part may be able to move and speak. So, when the body of the Prophet Mohammad was created, Divine Light was inserted from above.

The angels kept Bibi Amina away from the atmosphere of this world. They created the atmosphere of Alam-e-Malakout (Realm of the Angels and Archangels) around her. When Adam Safi Allah was created in the paradise, how could God bear for the body of Prophet Mohammad to be created in this world? Therefore, the atmosphere of Alam-e-Malakout was created by the angels and archangels around Bibi Amina. The angels would purify the blood of Bibi Amina so that no drop of dirty blood could enter the body of the beloved Prophet. The same atmosphere was created around Mary, the mother of Jesus, and then again for the arrival of Imam Mehdi. These are the three times when the atmosphere of Malakout was temporarily established in this Realm of Nasout. A human being is created from semen and the cells of life in semen also carry with them germs of genetic diseases and esoteric diseases. So, how could God take such a risk to create the body of the Prophet Mohammad from the semen of Abdullah? Those diseases would transfer and this would be dangerous, therefore God did not do this.

In the Realm of Malakout, there are different paradises and in them there are beautiful stones, such as ruby, turquoise, coral and others. They are very expensive and people respect them; this is because they do Dhikr Allah. Then, what about the mineral soul that was inserted into the Prophet: would it not do Dhikr Allah also? 

Surah Rehman mentions that the trees and stones too prostrate before God. The trees and stones also prostrate to God, so if we say that Prophet Mohammad prostrated to God, it is a small thing. Then people say the angels are made of Divine Light and human beings are Ashraf al Makhlooqat; then if they say that the Prophet Mohammad is not made of Divine Light, this is very blasphemous! Human beings are greater than angels, and if you say that the Prophet is not made of Divine Light then you are crazy! The terrestrial souls, the seed and the liquid that Gabriel brought from paradise and gave to Bibi Amina to drink, made her pregnant. The body of the Prophet was formed and developed with the Divine Light; then people said, 'When the Prophet arrived in this world, light spread everywhere, even to the mountains far away.'
Prophet Mohammad’s father does not have a name; God created him, therefore, we find that the Hadith where it says, 'The names of the parents of Imam Mehdi would be the same as the parents of Prophet Mohammad,' is not true. It can be said that the body of Imam Mehdi came from the same place as the body of Prophet Mohammad, because the terrestrial souls used to create the body of Prophet Mohammad were saved in the body of the Prophet for Imam Mehdi after the soul of the Prophet left this world and returned to Alam-e-Wehdat. Upon the arrival of Imam Mehdi, these terrestrial souls were sent into the body of the mother of Imam Mehdi. Just as Prophet Mohammad does not have a father and is born of Divine Light, Imam Mehdi also does not have a father and He too is born from Divine Light. We explained the process by which the body of Prophet Mohammad was created so that people may understand the process by which the body of Imam Mehdi was formed.  

18) When did HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi adopt Occultation (Ghaibah)?
HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi adopted Occultation on the 27th of November, 2001. The meaning of Occultation is to be hidden from sight. This does not mean that HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi is not present; it simply means that He cannot be seen with the physical eye, just as God is everywhere but we cannot see him.

A time will come when this period of Occultation shall end and everyone will be able to see HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi with their physical eyes. But until then, we are instructed by HDE to introduce and propagate Imam Mehdi and the Divine Signs manifested by God to the world. We are instructed to grant people initiation of the heart and help those who desire to bring God into their hearts so that the Divine Light may spread throughout the world.

19) What is Wasal (Divine Union)?
There is a difference between Zam (Transfusion of the Soul) and Wasal (Divine Union). When a sub-spirit of God settles in your body, it is known as Wasal. The process of the Transfusion of the Soul is to take you to the Unseen World, and during this process, your soul dissolves with the reflection of the Lord in such a way that they cannot be separated or differentiated between. You are no longer you. On the other hand, in Divine Union, the identity of God’s spirit in you and your own identity are separate.

20) The Holy Black Stone (Hajar al Aswad) has a mineral soul. What about the botanical and animal souls?
The aspect of life of the Holy Black Stone is the image of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. This image gives life to the Holy Black Stone. However, the Holy Black Stone has a botanical soul also which shall be seen when the veils are lifted.

21) In Jerusalem at Bait al Muqaddas, there is the Wailing Wall where another piece of the Holy Black Stone is fitted; is there movement there also?
There is a stone fitted there which is a piece of the Holy Black Stone. As far as movement is concerned, stones have a mineral soul and a mineral soul is not responsible for movement. And if a stone has movement then there must be another soul inserted in there also. It could be temporary. Now, there are some stones in which nothing can enter; however, the image of HDE Gohar Shahi has been absorbed in the Holy Black Stone. How then is it just a mere stone? Just by looking at this image day and night, out of love, one may reach God. Whenever trouble and calamity strike, look at this image and it shall protect you. You must test it for yourself to know the truth!

22) Does the piece of the Holy Black Stone in Bait al Muqaddas have an image on it also? 
There is no image on the stone in Bait al Muqaddas, but Prophet Suleman took a piece of that stone and placed it in his ring. He had so much power because of the stone. But, if ‘Ra Riaz’ enters your soul, all such stones shall bow before you. Right now, you do not know what it means to have Ra Riaz in the soul. The key to all powers is the name of HDE Gohar Shahi. If you have acquired Ism-e-Dhaat, then you have acquired the Quran, Torah and Bible.

We know the world was created and destroyed many times, but the Quran does not mention how many times it was destroyed. God created many different types of people. One progeny of man was as pure as the archangels; when the archangels used to come down, the people would say, 'There is no difference between you and us.' Then, God destroyed that nation.

HDE Gohar Shahi instructed us to spread the name and message of HDE to the worlds previously created. We spiritually travelled to the previous worlds and saw enormous banners of HDE Gohar Shahi; we spread the name of HDE Gohar Shahi. We were also able to see God’s behaviour with those people and the sacrifices that God asked of them. We saw the character and activities of the saints of that era also.
Human beings are narrow-minded and they are just concerned with which prophet is first and which one is last or when this world will end. But this world is very old; it is constantly destroyed and created again and again. When this world was created, it was a rounded island surrounded by water. When it was destroyed, it scattered into many pieces and they were dispersed around. Then God sent different Adams to the different areas; they had no connection with each other. So how would the historians know what happened in this world?

In the pyramids of Egypt, 10,000 year old tablets were found that had Ism-e-Dhaat written on them. Everyone knows that Ism-e-Dhaat had been given to Prophet Mohammad only, and Prophet Mohammad came to this world 1432 years ago. It has only been 6,500 years since the arrival of Adam Safi Allah in this world; therefore, Ism-e-Dhaat and the knowledge of Seeing God had been introduced previously. However, the special name, ‘Ra Riaz’ introduced in this era was never introduced before.

Today’s human beings think the previous era was not very advanced; but that is not true. People more intelligent and clever have passed before you. But this special name has never been introduced before and we are fortunate it has been granted in our time. The Lord has physically come down on earth!

23) Imam Mehdi has repeatedly come into this world but what about Rab al Arbab (Grand God)?
We are very fortunate and blessed to have been sent into this world in the era of the Grand God. This is a great blessing upon us. Even if your heart does not engage in the Remembrance of God (Dhikr), remain clung to the Lord and you shall be granted salvation. It is that simple. 

24) God was in a hidden treasure and there was no creation - then who was God hidden from?
God did not say this when there was no Makhlooq (creation); he said it after he had created. He told that Makhlooq, 'You are not able to reach that hidden treasure.'

25) What is the role and duty of Khidr in this world?
Presently, Khidr is in-charge of the creatures of the ocean. Whenever there is a full Moon, HDE Gohar Shahi descends and holds a spiritual gathering where all the creatures of the ocean gather and prostrate to the Lord.

About 7-8 years ago, we were near the shore in Colombo, Sri Lanka, when a beam of light came down from the Moon onto the ocean. All the people present there were able to see this light with their physical eyes. This is where the secret of Rab al Arbab (Grand God) was revealed. We saw that in the middle of the ocean, HDE Gohar Shahi was seated at His throne and all the creatures of the ocean were surrounding Him. Meanwhile, the Devil attacked with his army but was unsuccessful and astonished. He wondered why his attack was unsuccessful. As he is thinking this, HDE Gohar Shahi says to me, ‘Tell him that your attack is unsuccessful upon us because we belong to the One who created even your God.’

This event did not take place in Sri Lanka only. Wherever this great mission of HDE Gohar Shahi reaches, this spiritual gathering is held in the oceans there also. It has already taken place in the oceans of England, Kerala, India, and Muscat. 

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