Saturday, September 28, 2013

Blasphemy Laws of Pakistan 295 A B C

His Holiness Younus AlGohar discusses in great detail the blasphemy laws of Pakistan and the clauses of law. His Holiness describes the various ways the laws are abused in Pakistan, how the laws could be amended, and what exactly constitutes blasphemy.

New Video: Mojzaat ki Zaroorat-o-Haqiqat (Urdu)

His Holiness Younus AlGohar explains why the world now needs the miraculous teachings of the Awaited Imam Mehdi, Messiah and Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. His Holiness reveals the reality of miracles and why they were performed by Prophets and Saints of God. His Holiness also discusses God's nation that is meant to descend onto Earth in the end times.

Friday, September 27, 2013

New Video - The Kalki Avatar Conference

His Holiness Younus AlGohar was the Guest of Honour at the incredibly successful Kalki Avatar Conference near the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal. 

For more details on the conference, visit:

The full Flickr album:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Kalki Avatar Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal

To view the full album on Flickr, click here. 
On the 21st of September, His Holiness Younus AlGohar, the Official Representative of Kalki Avatar, blessed the Nepalese people with His presence at the incredibly successful Kalki Avatar Conference at the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The conference was hosted on the grounds of the temple and was open to the public. As attendees entered the marquee, they were treated to the musical talent of our bhajan artists, who sang praise of Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi.
People of all faiths and backgrounds took advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet and be blessed by His Holiness Younus AlGohar. Even members of the Nepalese police force stopped by!
When His Holiness arrived, there was great excitement as people crowded around for the chance to pay their respects to His Holiness.
His Holiness Younus AlGohar spoke on spirituality and the teachings of the Awaited Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi. Afterwards, the audience was granted Invocation of the Heart (Simran) and was offered free spiritual healing.
Near the end of the program, His Holiness was available to meet members of the audience individually. The queue seemed never-ending as people continued to join it in hopes of obtaining a brief moment with His Holiness Younus AlGohar.
The response was overwhelming! Many people personally experienced miracles at the hands of His Holiness. One such case is that of a man who came to see His Holiness for spiritual healing and declared upon seeing Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi's image, 'This is Bhagwan. I am in the house of Bhagwan, therefore I will not leave empty-handed now.' After being healed by His Holiness, he returned to our offices the next day in perfect health.
As His Holiness left the premises, members of the audience raised slogans in favour of Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi.  An enormous parade of attendees loudly chanting of 'Jai Gohar' and 'Ra Raam' followed His Holiness as He left the grounds.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

His Holiness Younus AlGohar Before the Kalki Avatar Conference

His Holiness Younus AlGohar right before the long awaited Kalki Avatar Conference at the Pashupatinath Temple, in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The event is on NOW and admission is FREE, so don't miss your ONCE IN A LIFETIME chance to meet His Holiness. Seriously. If you're in Kathmandu, what are you waiting for?!?!

For more information:

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Beauty of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi's Teachings

This is the power of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi's amazing, secular, unifying teachings! A Hindu, a Muslim and a Sikh are pictured above, all sitting quite peacefully side by side, listening to a lecture by His Holiness Younus AlGohar. This is beautiful! The teachings of Lord Ra Riaz encourage all to obtain divine love no matter what religion they do (or don't) follow.

Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi said, 'A Christian thinks he is the best, a Jew thinks he is the best, a Muslim thinks he is the best; however, I say that the best among you all is one who has God's love in his heart despite his indifference to any religion.'

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kalki Avatar Foundation Presents the Kalki Avatar Conference!

We would like to present the Kalki Avatar Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal.
At 2:00 pm NPT on the 21st of September, 2013, the Kalki Avatar Conference will commence at the site of the prestigious Pashupatinath Temple. The temple is the most ancient Hindu temple in the region and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
An estimated 50 000 people are expected to come to hear the guest of honour and official Representative of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi, His Holiness Younus AlGohar, speak at this grand event!
Admission is free for all those wishing to attend.

Friday, September 13, 2013

New Video, Urdu: Shah al Umam

His Holiness Younus AlGohar talks about Shah al Umam and further discusses the journey of Adam and Eve in this world. His Holiness also explains the uniqueness of the spiritual sciences introduced by the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Journey of Hajar al Aswad

His Holiness Younus AlGohar gives remarkable insight into the mysterious history of the highly revered Holy Black Stone (now in Kabah, Mecca, Saudi Arabia). His Holiness reveals unheard-of secrets of the Holy Black Stone!

In Urdu now, but will have English subtitles. 

The Essence of Spirituality - A Speech by His Holiness Younus AlGohar

His Holiness Younus AlGohar discusses the essence of spirituality with a newcomer. His Holiness also details the purpose of spirituality, the spiritual sciences and exact method used for Self-realisation. He also explains why hatred prevails in this world while love is rare.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Special Message from Messiah Foundation International on the Anniversary of 9/11

On the anniversary of 911, we would like to express our sympathies for those affected by this horrendous act of terrorism.

This is the image of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, the Awaited Messiah, Imam Mehdi and Kalki Avatar. If ever you find yourself in adversity and when you're all out of options, look at this image of Lord Ra Riaz or His image on the Moon and ask for help. Then, see what happens!

Also, check out His Holiness Younus AlGohar's proposed solution to terrorism.

Death and Afterlife

What happens to a human being after death?

The life of this body is related to the Arzi Arwah (terrestrial spirits). When the terrestrial spirits are taken out, the body become lifeless; this is known as death. Then, the Samawi Rouh (human soul) is taken to the higher realms. The soul does not stay in the grave. The soul is taken to Alam-e-Baala, specifically Alam-e-Barzakh (the Realm of Purgation) which includes two stations. If someone is a Dhakir-e-Qalbi (one who acquired the Initiation of the Heart), possesses the deeds accompanied by the presence of the heart (Amal-e-Sualeh) and is Sualeh (righteous), then his soul is kept in Alam-e-Barzarkh, in the Station of Il’liyeen. If someone was engaged in physical worship only and is not a Momin (True Believer) - regardless of intense performance of Salat and which religion he practiced - if he had not acquired Amal-e-Sualeh, and the heart is void of divine light and of emaan (faith), then the souls of such people are kept in the Station of Sij’jeen. These souls shall remain there until Youm-e-Mehshar (the Day of Judgment) and on the Day of Judgment they will face accountability. If these souls are granted salvation, from there they will be sent into the paradise. If they are not granted salvation - for example, they may have performed Salat vigorously, prostrated many times and observed fasting; however, at the same time, if they kept grudges against the Friends of God, were involved in backbiting against the Friends of God and were blasphemous to the prophets, then who would grant salvation to such people?

If someone does not believe in the prophets or the saints, then neither the prophets nor the saints shall grant such a person salvation. Hence, such people shall be sent to hellfire. Those who had the correct tenet, admired Prophet Mohammad, and would fervently recite Durood-o-Salam (Salutations upon the Prophet) and respected the saints, someone (Friend of God) shall grant him salvation on the Day of Judgment as a result of which his soul will enter paradise. However, entering the paradise does not mean he will have the same benefits available to him that a Momin would. For such individuals, the Quran says, ‘And do they believe they will obtain the same rank as the pious ones?’ They will stay there as the servants.

When the terrestrial spirits have been taken out from the body, what questions are going to be asked to the body? The body cannot be asked any questions, the body has died! On the Day of Judgment, the questions will be directed to the souls. In the grave the questions will be directed to the Nafs (Self). Then, you are also going to be shown the face of Prophet Mohammad. Now if you had seen Prophet Mohammad, only then you would recognise his face. Due to your inner darkness, you have not even seen the devil, let alone being able to recognise the face of Prophet Mohammad. People think that they should obtain knowledge about the religion. Prophet Mohammad did not say to obtain this knowledge by reading numerous books.

You accumulate so much bookish knowledge and yet the souls inside remain unaware. This is not knowledge of the religion!

This misconception is in the minds of all people today: read this book and you will obtain the knowledge mentioned within, or memorise the explanation of the Quran and this will count as being the knowledge of the religion. What is the point of such knowledge which does not benefit your souls in any way? The souls are dormant, they have not been revived with God’s love or acquired Irfan-e-Ilahi (Esoteric Knowledge), nor do they have the inclination of reaching God! The souls remained in the dormant state in which they were inserted into the body; then, what is the point of being a scholar of such knowledge?

Prophet Mohammad said that there are two types of knowledge. One is obligatory upon human beings by God and the other is Ilm-e-Nafay (Esoteric Knowledge/Knowledge of Mysticism), through which hearts and souls are revived and enlightened. The Kalima (Declaration of Faith) recited by the tongue should also be recited by the heart and soul. In the end, this body will remain in this world. The body will not go up there, the soul will. If the soul had not recited the Kalima - if only the body was in engaged in the recitation of the Quran and Hadith while the soul was completely unaware, then what is the use of such knowledge? There are no benefits of this type of knowledge.

God has one condition only: for someone to bring forth a Qalb-e-Saleem (Secured Heart). Bring an enlightened heart, for God only looks at the hearts. Even in your life, if God was to glance at you, he would look at your heart; if your heart was shining, God would become merciful upon you.

Those whose shiny hearts God looked upon in this world, what accountability would they go through? Such people are like preapproved, preaccepted credit cards. They are already under the Merciful Sight of God. I ask you a direct question: of all the books that you have read and all the knowledge you have in your possession, does the Kalima resonate in your heart? Has your soul been awakened?

Hadith-e-Qudsi: One who has recognised his Self (Nafs), it means he has recognised God.

With all the knowledge you have obtained, try to act upon this Hadith! One who has recognised his Self, it only means that he has recognised God. You may have acquired a lot of knowledge - you may have read many books and memorised the Quran and Hadith, but through all this knowledge, have you recognised your Self? Have you recognised God? I have understood from this Hadith-e-Qudsi that what God is trying to say to humanity here is that Self-realisation is actually God-realisation. 

Take all of the knowledge you have acquired and accumulated, and try to recognise your Self. What is the point of listening to the lectures and sermons of clerics? What did you obtain out of this? Nothing!

If you don’t know your Self, forget about knowing God! God said he created this world so that the world may recognise him. In simple words, the purpose of creation is to recognise God.

According to Hadith-e-Qudsi, 'I was in the Hidden Treasure and I desired to be known, hence I created Makhlooq (creation).'

The purpose of your creation is to recognise God. That is why you were created! Now, you are in the business of recognising God and you don’t recognise your Self! Read all the books and then tell me, who are you? Are you a Kafir (Infidel)? Are you a Munafiq (Hypocrite)? Are you a Momin (True Believer)? Are you a Wali (Saint)? Who are you? One who does not know whether he is a Momin or a Munafiq, how will the poor guy recognise God? You may continue to recite, ‘Kul ho Allah ho ahad’ (Quranic verse), but what will happen? You may receive 10 good deeds, however these deeds will just be written (in your Book of Deeds). When knowingly or unknowingly, you were blasphemous to a Friend of God or developed a bad conjecture about someone who God loves more than you can imagine, in that case, all your worship is left useless. Read the Quran and its translation: either the translation of Aala Hazrat, Tahir ul Qadri or anyone else. After reading it, tell me who you are. The knowledge of Quran is not in the book, the knowledge of Quran is in the heart of Prophet Mohammad. First you must reach the Prophet Mohammad and then you shall receive that knowledge from his heart.

Mevlana Rumi said, 'Religion is not found in the books. The books have knowledge and wisdom; religion is granted through Nazar (Merciful Sight) [of a perfect Spiritual Guide].'

Prophet Mohammad mentioned, ‘Acquire knowledge even if you have to travel to China,’ and ‘Acquisition of knowledge is obligatory upon all Muslim men and women.’ Is the knowledge that Prophet Mohammad mentioned the same knowledge that you are obtaining? You did not recognise your Self before this knowledge, and even after reading Quran and Hadith, you do not have Self-realisation. It is really important - that is why it has been made obligatory upon you, right? Why is there no difference in you after [supposedly] obtaining it? You are the same dog today as you were before. Today you are making the mosques impure in the same way as you did by entering them yesterday.

The Nafs (Self) is in the form of a dog in spirituality. Shah Abdul Latif Bittayi, a saint, was walking his dog. He tied his dog to the entrance of a mosque and went to offer Salat. A cleric said him, ‘What have you done? You have tied a dog to the entrance of the house of God!’ He said, ‘Yes, and you are sitting with a dog inside!’ A dog is just a dog; it will not ruin anybody’s faith. However, the dog of the Self that resides in you, you have to turn that dog into a Muslim. This is real Islam. If Islam does not turn the dog of your Nafs into Muslim, then it is not Islam; it is mischief. A Spiritual Guide who cannot turn this dog into human is not a Spiritual Guide, he is a pimp. It doesn’t matter whose progeny he is from, even if he is from Hazrat Ali’s progeny. There can be pimps and bastards in the progeny of Hazrat Ali also. Where it is written in Quran that there cannot be any pimps in the progeny of Hazrat Ali? 

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi says, 'God is not bothered whether you are Syed or Qureshi. There is only the Divine Law, and those who were heedless of your [God] remembrance are animals.'

There is no value, in the eyes of God, whether you are Syed or Qureshi. Whoever you are, there is only the Divine Law. Today Arabs consider themselves the champions; they believe no one knows the religion better than them. Read the Quran and see what it says!

'The people of Arab consider themselves as Momin, O’ Prophet tell them, they are not Momin.'

On the Akhiri Jummah (Last Friday), Hujjat ul Widha, Prophet Mohammad said, 'No Arab has superiority over a non-Arab and the non-Arabs are by no means inferior.' However, if you look at them today, the Arabs don’t give importance to the non-Arabs. They mistreat them. They have so much false pride and aree full of arrogance. And our nation (the Pakistani nation) is the same. If someone leaves Mecca or Medina after taking the course of being a cleric, he comes out wearing a Saudi outfit and completely forgets Urdu. There are many such pimps settled in Saudi Arabia; a pimp who sells women and lives off their earning is not the biggest pimp. In this era, these bearded pimps are the real pimps!  

The knowledge you have in your possession today - did you recognise God through it? The knowledge which doesn’t give you self-realisation, how will it grant you salvation?

On the other hand, His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi declares, 'It’s not a long story. Take the Initiation of the Heart (Dhikr-e-Qalb), test your fate and find out in 1-2 days how merciful God is upon you.'

If God’s name begins to beat in your heart, then you have been blessed. If God’s name does not enter your heart, then who knows who you are! Whether you are a Hamman or Firoun, Shadaad or Yazeed, Abu Jahhal or Abdul Wahhab Najdi, Tahir ul Qadri, Ilyas Qadri or Shah Tarajbul Haq, or the son of a prostitute - we have no idea who you are. If God’s name starts within the beating system of your heart, then it does not matter whether or not you remember the names of your mother and father, in the eyes of God you are close to God and worthy of respect. Because God’s criteria is not the progeny you come from; the only criterion in the eyes of God is Taqwah (Piety). Throwing water over yourself is not piety. Piety is the act of purifying the dog of your Nafs and cleansing the heart.

Nafs-e-Ammarah (the Commanding Self) commands you to commit sins - no matter how hard you try to refrain from sins and the committance of sins, and you tell yourself that you will not do this. Do the Quran and Hadith not tell Muslims to not to commit adultery? Not to backbite and slander? It is written in the Quran is it not? 'To slander and to backbite is equal to eating the flesh of your dead brother,' and even then, people are involved in backbiting and slandering. Why? The dog inside you forces you to commit evil. If you have read the Quran, but it had no effect on the one commanding you to commit sins, then what was the point of reading such a Quran? Find someone who is a dog hunter! One who will hunt these dogs, grab them by the neck and force them to recite the Kalima. And one day, by continuous recitation of the Kalima, these dogs will become human. When a Kamil Dhaat (Perfect Spiritual Guide) forces the dog of the Nafs to recite the Kalima, the dog becomes a human; however, when a cleric tells someone to recite the same Kalima, instead of becoming human, they become Wahhabi, Shiite, Sunni, Barelvi etc. They do not become human, so this is useless knowledge.

What was the knowledge that Prophet Mohammad made obligatory upon all? Prophet Mohammad said, 'The scholars are from my chest [heart],' which means, 'A scholar is one who is connected to my chest' those who obtain Spiritual Grace from my chest shall become scholars.' Only one who obtained Spiritual Grace from the heart of the Prophet is a scholar; one who obtains knowledge from Dar ul Uloom (religious madrassa) is a pimp. What do these people know of spirituality? What do these people know about recognising Imam Mehdi? These people are scared of those who call them out to be pimps and womanisers, they don’t dare speak in front of such a man. But if a personality who is the epitome of humility, who is the embodiment of God, whose being is the manifestation of the divine attributes, comes in front of them and says, 'Enlighten your heart,' People put Fatwas of Kufr on Him, and declare Him to be worthy of death! Imam Mehdi knows the world, hence Imam Mehdi has appointed rogues all around him and tames the dogs of their Nafs. Imam Mehdi has placed His collar on the dogs of these rogues so that noow they are the dogs of Imam Mehdi; they are no longer stray dogs. 

'Knowledge' means, 'to know', and you don’t know your Self. Then what kind of knowledge do you have?
Bulleh Shahi said, 'You need only Alif for Allah and repeat "Allah, Allah". One day you shall become enlightened.'

You only need Alif from Alif Laam Meem, and with that Alif repeat ‘Allah, Allah’ and one day you shall become an enlightened conscience. Where will you find the Alif? You have to kiss the ankles of someone [Friend of God/Spiritual Guide], you have to prostrate to someone!

Sultan Haq Bahu said, 'If you want to obtain union with God you have to serve a Faqir (Spiritual Man/Friend of God), you have to become the dirt underneath his feet.'

Mevlana Rumi said, 'If you are the hardest of stones, what should you do? Find a Sahib-e-Dil [Friend of God]. He will transform you into a pearl (Gohar)!'

This is Irfan, knowledge with observation and experience. For example, if you are saying ‘Allah, Allah’, you are just saying it. What is Irfan? If you say 'Allah,' and you see Allah, this is Martaba-e-Ehsan and this is the knowledge that we are propagating.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Huzoori-e-Qalb Ke Baghair Amaal Bekaar

His Holiness Younus AlGohar remarks on the importance of having Esoteric (Batini) knowledge and awakening and enlightening the heart (Qalb) in order to reach God.

#AskYounusAlGohar - Death and Afterlife

His Holiness Younus AlGohar answers questions sent in from viewers about life hereafter, self-realisation, and the purpose of our creation. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

'New Project' (Teaser)


Mehdi Foundation Universal Productions and AlRA TV are collaborating on this amazing, secretive new project that will surely cause an uproar!

This video is a teaser for the project video, which will be revealed on the 25th of November, 2013 (25.11.13).

Stay tuned!

An amazing piece of digital artwork. Mind = blown. Cannot wait for the actual project video. Counting down the days until Oct 20th!

NEW Video (Urdu): Nazar Al Bashar - Imam Mehdi Ka Tareeqa-e-Faiz

His Holiness Younus AlGohar reveals how and why God made all prophets innocent and free from committing sins. His Holiness also talks about the method of dispensing spiritual benevolence that will be used by the Awaited Imam Mehdi Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

If you would like to ask His Holiness Younus AlGohar a question on Twitter, include '#askYounusAlGohar' in your tweet.  You can leave us a comment on Facebook, or you may also email us your questions at

New Video (Urdu): Gunaah Se Bari Kaun Hai?

His Holiness Younus AlGohar explains in light of the Esoteric Knowledge who is, according to the Quran, innocent and free from committing sins.

If you would like to ask His Holiness Younus AlGohar a question on Twitter, include '#askYounusAlGohar' in your tweet.  You can leave us a comment on Facebook, or you may also email us your questions at

Friday, September 6, 2013

Kalki Avatar Foundation India Celebrates Shri Krishan Janam

The following is a report from our team partaking in the Shri Krishan Janam Bhoomi Festival in Mathura.

Jai Gohar Shahi!

Today, all throughout India, Hindus have been enthusiastically and zealously celebrating the Shri Krishan Janam (the birthday of Lord Krishna). A team from Kalki Avatar Foundation Delhi went to Mathura to give the message of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi. 
With the grace of Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi, people from all walks of life, young and old, having been presented with the images of Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi on the Moon, Sun and Maha Shiv Lingham, looked with great affection at the image of Bhagwan Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi. Some, at the moment of being told about Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi, began to pray to Him. Those in search of spirituality also gratefully took simran of 'Ra Raam' from the image of Kalki Avatar.
Some asked in astonishment, 'The reincarnation of Kalki is here?' while some others fervently asked, 'How can we meet Maharaj Kalki Avatar Ra Gohar Shahi?'

 To view the full album on Flickr, click here.

Video: Deedar-e-Illahi (Urdu)

His Holiness Younus AlGohar reveals untold secrets and mysteries of God in this momentous lecture! If you are in search for God, wanting to see God, or desirous of Rapturous Love of God (Ishq), don't miss this speech! 

The video is currently in Urdu, but English subtitles and a translated transcript will be uploaded soon.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

#AskYounusAlGohar Question & Answer Session - Part 3

17) When did His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi arrive in this world?
According to a Hadith (Prophetic Tradition), the names of the parents of Imam Mehdi’s will be the same as the names of the parents of Prophet Mohammad and Imam Mehdi’s name would be the same as Prophet Mohammad’s. The truth is: Abdullah, whom the Muslims of the world know as the father of Prophet Mohammad, passed away two years before the Prophet came into this world. Now, if the Prophet Mohammad does not have a father, then how would the name of Imam Mehdi’s parents be the same as the Prophet’s? I am stating the truth and I say it with a challenge to all the Muslims of the world that there is no evidence that Abdullah was the father of the Prophet. There are many false stories related to Abdullah, but all the Islamic scholars know that the Prophet Mohammad arrived into this world two years after his death.

The era of Prophet Mohammad was not very long ago, about 1432 years. Even if we look 5000 years back at the people, their way of life and their accomplishments, or at the pyramids of Egypt (which are about 10,000 years old), people think that there was nothing at the time, so how could they have built them? 

Human beings think that they are the most advanced in this era and before this there was nothing. But you should know that this world was created many times and then destroyed many times. It was completely destroyed and then created again, and each time, prophets and messengers were sent. A common Adam was sent and then the eminent Adam, created in paradise, was sent. The knowledge of Seeing God was introduced and Dhikr-e-Qalb and Ism-e-Dhaat were given also. Ism-e-Dhaat was given to Prophet 
Mohammad and Prophet Mohammad had previously arrived into this world also.

Once, I was travelling in the Esoteric Realm and I came across the Sun. Curious to see where it went, I went to the valley where the Sun set. I saw that the Sun sets after every minute and the Moon comes out. In about 10 minutes, the cycle was completed 10 times – the Sun would rise and then set. I asked, 'What station is this?' I was told, 'This is Alam-e-Baala.' There is Alam-e-Maala which is the Station of the Archangels, but this was Alam-e-Baala, the station where Jesus stayed. Suddenly I felt an itch on my body and I woke up. I had seen that in my sleep, and when I opened my eyes, 10-12 hours had passed. But in the Esoteric Realm, I was told 9,500 years had passed.

Now, the point is: Prophet Mohammad came into this world 12 times as the Imam al Ambiya (Head of all Prophets), but no one can prove that in any of these eras, the Prophet had a father. When 11 times in the past it cannot be proved that the Prophet had a father, then how can we believe it the 12th time?
Once Khidr said to me, ‘Do you want to go to Medina?’ I said, ‘Let’s go.’ But when we got there, there were only mountains and sand. I said, 'This is not Medina; there is a mosque there and the Tomb of the Prophet in Medina.' But he said, 'This is Medina. Look at the Prophet sitting in the hut.' I didn’t believe it, so Khidr told the horse to take us closer, but the horse said, 'If he (HH Younus AlGohar) wants to, only then I will go.' I said, 'Okay, let us go and see.' When we got there I said, ‘Ya Rasool Allah, what has happened to your Medina? Eben you do not look like Prophet Mohammad.’ He said to me, 'Why don’t you lift the veils and look at the images of all the prophets who came in this era?' I did not recognise a single prophet. I asked where the images of Moses, Jesus and David were. He said, 'There is no Moses, Jesus or David among the prophets that God has sent; there is no Israel, Abraham, Joseph or Jacob. The images are all of the prophets and I am the Imam al Ambiya.' Then I heard the voice of His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi. HDE said, ‘Do not worry. You are seeing a scene from the previous world. That world has been destroyed. That is the list of the prophets of that time and that is the arrival of Prophet Mohammad at that time.’
Prophet Mohammad has said, ‘Even before I came into this world, I was a prophet.’ When I met with the people of that era, they too had Ism-e-Dhaat. Prophet Mohammad came to the world created before this and the one before that also. Now, if Prophet Mohammad came again and again, would Imam Mehdi not have come also?

The Quran introduces man as being created from a drop of dirty blood and made from clay and fire. But to associate these things with the Prophet Mohammad would nullify his purity and eminence. Therefore, the Prophet Mohammad is not born from semen. God created the Prophet from his Divine Light.
Hadith:  I am from the Divine Light of God and Momineen are from my Divine Light (Ana min Noor Allah wal Momineen min Noori). 

There is another Hadith in which the Prophet said, ‘First of all, God created my Divine Light (Noor).’ And we can verify this Hadith because we have seen that the Prophet is all Noor. Every time the world was created and in every era that the Prophet came, God created him with Divine Light and sent him to the world. Those who say that Prophet Mohammad is not made of Noor are rejecters of the Quran. The Quran says that the Prophet was sent into the world as ‘Siraj un Muneer’. For those who do not know the meaning of Siraj un Muneer, it means, 'The Candle of Noor (Divine Light)'. Those who deny this are as ignorant as Abu Jahal.

How did the creation of the Prophet from Divine Light happen? Gabriel came to the mother of the Prophet and he brought with him a seed of Divine Light from Alam-e-Baala (Jabrout). Just as there are the terrestrial souls (botanical soul, mineral soul and animal soul) and the celestial soul, some Divine Light is botanical, some Divine Light is mineral and some Divine Light is animal. The Shajar tun Noor (Tree of Divine Light) is a tree in Sidra tul Muntaha and there are many trees there. There is a tree of the Kalima, there is a tree of the name Mohammad and there is a tree of Ism-e-Dhaat (God’s Personal Name). The seeds of all of these trees have the name of God hidden in them and when they are implanted in the heart, the plant of Ism-e-Dhaat sprouts from within.

Now the Seed of Light from the Tree of Light was not just one seed, it consisted of 3 seeds. There were three types of Divine Light; from each, the botanical soul, the mineral soul and the animal soul came out. The three types of Divine Light of the seed and also the white liquid (which had the mineral Divine Light mixed in) was given to the mother of the Prophet, Bibi Amina, by Gabriel. And when she drank it, the body of the Prophet Mohammad was formed.

Now, why was the mineral Divine Light added to the liquid? Because, the head of all mineral things had already been sent to the world and it is known as the Hajar al Aswad (Holy Black Stone). The Hajar al Aswad is from a mountain of Divine Light where the all the trees are. There are two parts of the Hajar al Aswad. It is a part of the Taboot-e-Sakina (Ark of Covenant). The Hajar al Aswad is the mineral soul, but there is another part of the Hajar al Aswad that has a botanical soul and an animal soul also. When the 2 parts gather and all three of the souls come together, it is known as the Taboot-e-Sakina. One part of the Taboot-e-Sakina is in the Kaaba and it is possible that the other part may be able to move and speak. So, when the body of the Prophet Mohammad was created, Divine Light was inserted from above.

The angels kept Bibi Amina away from the atmosphere of this world. They created the atmosphere of Alam-e-Malakout (Realm of the Angels and Archangels) around her. When Adam Safi Allah was created in the paradise, how could God bear for the body of Prophet Mohammad to be created in this world? Therefore, the atmosphere of Alam-e-Malakout was created by the angels and archangels around Bibi Amina. The angels would purify the blood of Bibi Amina so that no drop of dirty blood could enter the body of the beloved Prophet. The same atmosphere was created around Mary, the mother of Jesus, and then again for the arrival of Imam Mehdi. These are the three times when the atmosphere of Malakout was temporarily established in this Realm of Nasout. A human being is created from semen and the cells of life in semen also carry with them germs of genetic diseases and esoteric diseases. So, how could God take such a risk to create the body of the Prophet Mohammad from the semen of Abdullah? Those diseases would transfer and this would be dangerous, therefore God did not do this.

In the Realm of Malakout, there are different paradises and in them there are beautiful stones, such as ruby, turquoise, coral and others. They are very expensive and people respect them; this is because they do Dhikr Allah. Then, what about the mineral soul that was inserted into the Prophet: would it not do Dhikr Allah also? 

Surah Rehman mentions that the trees and stones too prostrate before God. The trees and stones also prostrate to God, so if we say that Prophet Mohammad prostrated to God, it is a small thing. Then people say the angels are made of Divine Light and human beings are Ashraf al Makhlooqat; then if they say that the Prophet Mohammad is not made of Divine Light, this is very blasphemous! Human beings are greater than angels, and if you say that the Prophet is not made of Divine Light then you are crazy! The terrestrial souls, the seed and the liquid that Gabriel brought from paradise and gave to Bibi Amina to drink, made her pregnant. The body of the Prophet was formed and developed with the Divine Light; then people said, 'When the Prophet arrived in this world, light spread everywhere, even to the mountains far away.'
Prophet Mohammad’s father does not have a name; God created him, therefore, we find that the Hadith where it says, 'The names of the parents of Imam Mehdi would be the same as the parents of Prophet Mohammad,' is not true. It can be said that the body of Imam Mehdi came from the same place as the body of Prophet Mohammad, because the terrestrial souls used to create the body of Prophet Mohammad were saved in the body of the Prophet for Imam Mehdi after the soul of the Prophet left this world and returned to Alam-e-Wehdat. Upon the arrival of Imam Mehdi, these terrestrial souls were sent into the body of the mother of Imam Mehdi. Just as Prophet Mohammad does not have a father and is born of Divine Light, Imam Mehdi also does not have a father and He too is born from Divine Light. We explained the process by which the body of Prophet Mohammad was created so that people may understand the process by which the body of Imam Mehdi was formed.  

18) When did HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi adopt Occultation (Ghaibah)?
HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi adopted Occultation on the 27th of November, 2001. The meaning of Occultation is to be hidden from sight. This does not mean that HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi is not present; it simply means that He cannot be seen with the physical eye, just as God is everywhere but we cannot see him.

A time will come when this period of Occultation shall end and everyone will be able to see HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi with their physical eyes. But until then, we are instructed by HDE to introduce and propagate Imam Mehdi and the Divine Signs manifested by God to the world. We are instructed to grant people initiation of the heart and help those who desire to bring God into their hearts so that the Divine Light may spread throughout the world.

19) What is Wasal (Divine Union)?
There is a difference between Zam (Transfusion of the Soul) and Wasal (Divine Union). When a sub-spirit of God settles in your body, it is known as Wasal. The process of the Transfusion of the Soul is to take you to the Unseen World, and during this process, your soul dissolves with the reflection of the Lord in such a way that they cannot be separated or differentiated between. You are no longer you. On the other hand, in Divine Union, the identity of God’s spirit in you and your own identity are separate.

20) The Holy Black Stone (Hajar al Aswad) has a mineral soul. What about the botanical and animal souls?
The aspect of life of the Holy Black Stone is the image of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. This image gives life to the Holy Black Stone. However, the Holy Black Stone has a botanical soul also which shall be seen when the veils are lifted.

21) In Jerusalem at Bait al Muqaddas, there is the Wailing Wall where another piece of the Holy Black Stone is fitted; is there movement there also?
There is a stone fitted there which is a piece of the Holy Black Stone. As far as movement is concerned, stones have a mineral soul and a mineral soul is not responsible for movement. And if a stone has movement then there must be another soul inserted in there also. It could be temporary. Now, there are some stones in which nothing can enter; however, the image of HDE Gohar Shahi has been absorbed in the Holy Black Stone. How then is it just a mere stone? Just by looking at this image day and night, out of love, one may reach God. Whenever trouble and calamity strike, look at this image and it shall protect you. You must test it for yourself to know the truth!

22) Does the piece of the Holy Black Stone in Bait al Muqaddas have an image on it also? 
There is no image on the stone in Bait al Muqaddas, but Prophet Suleman took a piece of that stone and placed it in his ring. He had so much power because of the stone. But, if ‘Ra Riaz’ enters your soul, all such stones shall bow before you. Right now, you do not know what it means to have Ra Riaz in the soul. The key to all powers is the name of HDE Gohar Shahi. If you have acquired Ism-e-Dhaat, then you have acquired the Quran, Torah and Bible.

We know the world was created and destroyed many times, but the Quran does not mention how many times it was destroyed. God created many different types of people. One progeny of man was as pure as the archangels; when the archangels used to come down, the people would say, 'There is no difference between you and us.' Then, God destroyed that nation.

HDE Gohar Shahi instructed us to spread the name and message of HDE to the worlds previously created. We spiritually travelled to the previous worlds and saw enormous banners of HDE Gohar Shahi; we spread the name of HDE Gohar Shahi. We were also able to see God’s behaviour with those people and the sacrifices that God asked of them. We saw the character and activities of the saints of that era also.
Human beings are narrow-minded and they are just concerned with which prophet is first and which one is last or when this world will end. But this world is very old; it is constantly destroyed and created again and again. When this world was created, it was a rounded island surrounded by water. When it was destroyed, it scattered into many pieces and they were dispersed around. Then God sent different Adams to the different areas; they had no connection with each other. So how would the historians know what happened in this world?

In the pyramids of Egypt, 10,000 year old tablets were found that had Ism-e-Dhaat written on them. Everyone knows that Ism-e-Dhaat had been given to Prophet Mohammad only, and Prophet Mohammad came to this world 1432 years ago. It has only been 6,500 years since the arrival of Adam Safi Allah in this world; therefore, Ism-e-Dhaat and the knowledge of Seeing God had been introduced previously. However, the special name, ‘Ra Riaz’ introduced in this era was never introduced before.

Today’s human beings think the previous era was not very advanced; but that is not true. People more intelligent and clever have passed before you. But this special name has never been introduced before and we are fortunate it has been granted in our time. The Lord has physically come down on earth!

23) Imam Mehdi has repeatedly come into this world but what about Rab al Arbab (Grand God)?
We are very fortunate and blessed to have been sent into this world in the era of the Grand God. This is a great blessing upon us. Even if your heart does not engage in the Remembrance of God (Dhikr), remain clung to the Lord and you shall be granted salvation. It is that simple. 

24) God was in a hidden treasure and there was no creation - then who was God hidden from?
God did not say this when there was no Makhlooq (creation); he said it after he had created. He told that Makhlooq, 'You are not able to reach that hidden treasure.'

25) What is the role and duty of Khidr in this world?
Presently, Khidr is in-charge of the creatures of the ocean. Whenever there is a full Moon, HDE Gohar Shahi descends and holds a spiritual gathering where all the creatures of the ocean gather and prostrate to the Lord.

About 7-8 years ago, we were near the shore in Colombo, Sri Lanka, when a beam of light came down from the Moon onto the ocean. All the people present there were able to see this light with their physical eyes. This is where the secret of Rab al Arbab (Grand God) was revealed. We saw that in the middle of the ocean, HDE Gohar Shahi was seated at His throne and all the creatures of the ocean were surrounding Him. Meanwhile, the Devil attacked with his army but was unsuccessful and astonished. He wondered why his attack was unsuccessful. As he is thinking this, HDE Gohar Shahi says to me, ‘Tell him that your attack is unsuccessful upon us because we belong to the One who created even your God.’

This event did not take place in Sri Lanka only. Wherever this great mission of HDE Gohar Shahi reaches, this spiritual gathering is held in the oceans there also. It has already taken place in the oceans of England, Kerala, India, and Muscat. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Video: #AskYounusAlGohar - Jab Tumhari Namazen Be Jaan Ho Jayen (Urdu)

His Holiness Younus AlGohar answers questions from a follower of the Chisti Order, who wanted to know about the possibility of someone obtaining sainthood in the era of Imam Mehdi and about the logistics of Parchar-e-Mehdi (the propagation of the arrival of Imam Mehdi).

If you would like to ask His Holiness Younus AlGohar a question on Twitter, include '#askYounusAlGohar' in your tweet. You may also email us your questions at

His Holiness Younus AlGohar's Comments about the Muslim Ummah

Please read carefully: in religions you follow the Word and Law of God. Opinions of individuals do not have any value. And when the religious belief system is opinionated, it is destroyed and its followers become distant with God.

It is sad that masses do not like to hear the truth! According to authentic traditions, Mohammad (PBUH) is  Ø®Ø§ØªÙ… الانبیا and Imam Mehdi is  Ø®Ø§ØªÙ… الاولیا . I am extremely disappointed when I see people who lack in knowledge yet argue and slip off the truth! It is sad, and very sad.

Most Muslims are Munafiqeen (hypocrites)! And their Islam is nothing but an intended show-off which is aimed at acquiring praise of the public. Muslims today are under severe wrath of God and are humiliated all over the world.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sheikh Nazim Exposed

His Holiness Younus AlGohar issues an official statement about the rank and reality of Sheikh Nazim of Cyprus, a man some consider to be Sheikh ul Auliya (King of Saints).

Transcript of the speech: 

With all due respect we, MFI, in the light of Quran and Hadith, understand that Sheikh Nazim does not qualify to be known as a Saint of God. This statement is not based on my personal grudge for anybody. I am not in the business of holding a grudge and keeping the dirt in my heart; and I have no personal dealings with that man. The reason why I am saying this today is because this is my duty to tell the world if somebody claims to be a Saint of God, but actually that person is not a qualified Saint of God. The qualification that makes you a saint of God should not be measured unto the length of your beard and intensity of your worship; rather it should be seen and observed in the light of the Quran and Hadith, and of course the Grand Sufis of all times (for example, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Sultan Haq Bahu and Imam Abu Hanifa).
We understand that there are many types of Saints of God; however the major classification of Saints of God falls into two different categories. The minimum requirement for a person to be a Saint of God is that he should be able to communicate with God, be able to receive Ilham (Divine Inspiration) from God and be able to send his messages to God. This is possible only when you have gone through spiritual austerities and you have adopted the mystical principles of utter cleanliness of the Self, mortification of the Ego, and purification of the heart. All seven subtleties in the body have to be revived, enlightened, strengthened and must be able to perform spiritual journeys to their respective realms.

Spirituality is not based on talk; it’s not based on the study of different Sufi books. You can have a big mouth and you can swear at me, but in the light of spirituality, when you bark like a dog it shows who you are. When only a bad smell comes from your mouth and from your soul and heart, then we come to know who you are, what is your origin and what kind of spirituality you have been conceiving in your mind. Spirituality is far beyond your conception and intellectual concoction that you might have concocted in your brain. You can call a dog, 'god', but it doesn’t make any difference.

If somebody says, 'Sheikh Nazim is Sultan al Auliyah (King of Saints),' and when I examine this claim in the light of spiritual principality, and I come to know after my spiritual findings that this is not reality, then obviously I will come and say, ‘Hey mate, Sheikh Nazim is not a Saint of God let alone the King of Saints of God.’ Do you understand what Sultan means? You don’t know what Sultan means in the spiritual world and you are saying that he is Sultan al Auliyah! Do you know how many types of Auliyah are there? There are many types of Auliyah and some Auliyah are those who don’t even qualify to be Momineen, but they are Auliyah because it’s just a ritualistic name.

I heard in the company of my Lord that some people say Subhaan Allah 500 times a day and little bit of Wilayah (Sainthood) is granted to them under the rule of Faqr-e-Bakaram. What kind of a Saint? Saints like – if you buy something from Tesco, and you buy the same type of thing from Marks & Spencers, there is a huge difference in quality. I do personally say that Sheikh Nazim is not Sultan al Auliyah.

Now, His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi advised people in relation to the identity of Imam Mehdi. HDE personally showed Sheikh Nazim some of the signs of God and these signs are still visible and prominent on all the celestial and terrestrial bodies. Because HDE Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi had shown Sheikh Nazim the signs, therefore, HDE Gohar Shahi advised many people to seek Sheikh Nazim’s help in order to understand and in order to reveal the identity of the Awaited Imam Mehdi. However, Sheikh Nazim did not fulfil the requirements of the truth; he observed complete silence and became a Shaitan who doesn’t speak. And this has been going on for many years. Every year, Sheikh Nazim has to say something regarding Imam Mehdi and what he predicts about Imam Mehdi doesn’t ever come true.

HDE Gohar Shahi has shown a lot of signs to Sheikh Nazim in his dreams. On two occasions, HDE Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi personally sent me to take the message. I met Sheikh Nazim on two different occasions. HDE Gohar Shahi asked me to ask Sheikh Nazim to acknowledge if he has seen the signs and this was the main reason why I was sent to meet with Sheikh Nazim. 

I asked Sheikh Nazim, 'Have you seen the signs in your dream that HDE Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has sent to you?' He said, 'This is between me and Gohar Shahi.' I said, 'No, Gohar Shahi has sent me to ask you to acknowledge it. Tell me if you have seen it,' and then he said, 'Yes I have seen it and I can say that He is the Awaited Imam Mehdi.'

Now individuals like Kamran Hassan have no knowledge of spirituality or religion, for except what is found in books. In order to read those books, you don’t have to be a Muslim. What value is the study of such books which everybody can read and understand? You do not become a Sufi by reading books. You become a Sufi by purifying your heart. You become a Sufi when you are connected with God, when you come under the Merciful Sight of God, when the Divine Theophanies start to fall upon your heart. And in lieu of these theophanies falling upon your heart, those individual who keep your company begin to shine and begin to come away from the performance of sins. They begin to become purified and closer to God as a result of coming under the Merciful Sight of God.

In spirituality, the only form of worship is not through your physical body. There are seven souls in your body and there are nine deputies of your souls which come out of you. You teach them, not just to mention the name of God, not just to glorify the name of God, not just to present the grandeur and splendour of God, but also to make spiritual journeys to their respective realms. It’s not about Naqshbandi or Qadri Silsila (Sufi Order); it is about entering the divine perimeter where you can feel the intensity of God's presence. It’s not about being clung to somebody who may claim to be Sultan al Auliyah yet he has no knowledge of how to connect people with God.

Let me very humbly tell you that HDE Gohar Shahi has bestowed upon his humble servants the power, authority and principality of spirituality, that if you come to them and seek God’s connection, they are now able to connect your heart with God. I feel no fear because I don’t fear anyone. Why? Because those who are saints of God, God said about them in Quran, ‘Those who have become God's friends, they have no fear of anybody.’ I am not saying I am a friend of God, but I am saying I am a servant of Gohar Shahi. And Gohar Shahi's love and guardianship on my head tells me, 'You do not need to fear anybody.' To say the truth is the greatest of all Jihads and the truth is that the man you think is Sultan al Auliyah is nothing but an Amil. Read the books, read Quran and then go to Sultan al Auliyah Sheikh Nazim and tell him, 'Revive my heart, take me to God.' And if he doesn’t, don’t throw him away in the river (as Sultan Haq Bahu said); leave him alone out of respect and come here. if we don’t do it, then you can kill us, forget about the river.
The time is the greatest master. Time reveals all. The belly of this earth cannot keep a secret for too long. We are in the last episode of this world and it’s the decree of God, ‘There is no point keeping what has been kept hidden for too long’. I am not in the business of making a secret of small, tiny things. When it comes to realisation, when it comes to opening of the heart, when it comes to making the pseudo-claimants exposed, then I do not fear anybody. HDE Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the Awaited Imam Mehdi and I am doing a favour when I am saying this to you - before you destroy any potential chance of securing your emaan (faith) - bow down to the feet of HDE Gohar Shahi. If you don’t, you will be the one who will be regretful.
How can we call an ignorant man, 'Sultan al Auliyah'? This is the problem: people say, 'Let them say whatever they want.' But we say, 'Speak the truth so that people do not become misguided!'

Prophet Mohammad said, ‘If you see something wrong, try and stop it. If you cannot stop it, then say it is wrong. If you cannot say it, then in your heart think that it is wrong.’ 

However, this is the weakest emaan (faith). Now, if a person says, 'I am Momin,' we would not bother, because a Momin is for himself, not others. But, if a person says that he is a Perfect Spiritual Guide (Murshid-e-Kamil), then we have to be attentive - because this man is jumping into the business of either destroying the hearts or purifying the hearts. We have to be very attentive and extra careful, because if you are not a Spiritual Guide, you will be destroying the potential chances of emaan of a lot of people. And that has actually happened. You claimed to be Sultan al Auliyah and you do not know what Wilayah is. Wilayah has nothing to do with physical performance, because when you die, it is not your body that will go up there, it is your soul. That is what we need to understand.

I represent His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. And this spiritual organisation, spiritual institution of Mehdi Foundation International has all the ingredients and recipe of divinity. Whenever a pseudo-claimant will rise we will put him down!

Jinnah's Vision of Pakistan

His Holiness Younus AlGohar discusses Mohammad Ali Jinnah's vision of Pakistan, the current political and living conditions in Pakistan, and the future of Pakistan as told by Imam Mehdi 

#AskYounusAlGohar - Prophet Mohammad's Saw Reverence For Hajr Al Aswad

His Holiness Younus AlGohar answers questions from people on social media and our website. 

Question 1: Why are we told to wash ourselves with the left hand, not the right? 
Question 2: How could progeny have come from the thighs of Adam Safi Allah?
Question 3: How do we recognise a true Wali Allah (Saint of God)?

His Holiness also discusses the level of intensity at which the Prophet Mohammad SAW loved and revered the Holy Black Stone (Hajr al-Aswad).

The Mataf Bridge - His Holiness Younus AlGohar's Statement

His Holiness Younus AlGohar has issued a statement in regards to the construction of the Mataf Bridge:

'Now, the Saudis have built a walk-way over the Holy Kabah, which is nothing but a mark of blasphemy against the sacred place and divine signs of God that fall under it.'

'People are now walking over Hajar Aswad and Muqaam Ibrahim. I draw attention of the Muslim world to examine this matter and demand from the Saudis to remove that walk-way immediately. Do not forget: you are walking over the names of God and ayats of the Holy Quran which are printed on the Ghilaaf of Kabah.'

Monday, September 2, 2013

#AskYounusAlGohar - Alif Laam Ra

His Holiness Younus AlGohar answers questions from aspirants in India wondering about the secret behind the Haruf Maqatteat, 'Alif Laam Ra'. His Holiness also explains how to become Momin and goes into exhaustive detail about the original Salat.