Wednesday, November 21, 2012

To support and love Imam Mehdi, the reality of Occultation, and the Introduction of Rab al Arbab

Of all souls that were created, 97.5% of the greatest souls were saved for the era of Imam Mehdi. The butter of humanity, the cream so to speak, were set to come in this era and no such souls came in the era of Adam Safi Allah, Ibrahim Khalil Allah, Musa Kaleem Allah, Isa Rouh Allah or Mohammad Rasool Allah. The level of understanding of such people is different and they are more open-minded. 
On the Day of Azal, the souls standing in the first row were not those of the prophets and saints, but the souls of those who lived all their lives as dogs and at the end supported and loved Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi. This is because of their Nisbat, Nisbat-e-Gohar Shahi (relationship with His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi).

For the sinners, there are two requirements: they must support and love Imam Mehdi.

To support Imam Mehdi does not mean to stand in public holding up signs of the images on the Moon, Sun, Holy Black Stone, etc. What is it to support Imam Mehdi? When all the people of the Abrahamic Faiths come together under the flag of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi and become crazy in the Lord’s love and this message is sent across to the entire world. This is to support Imam Mehdi, to tell the world about the comely face of the Lord and the divine majestic beauty of the Lord. Those who become crazy in the love of the Lord, no Bible, no Quran, no Hadith (Prophetic Tradition) can affect them. The steadfastness in Gohar’s love is such that nothing can have an affect on it. If one has lived his entire live like a dog, where has this steadfastness come from? Gohar’s love. In order to be connected to the Habl-e-Riaz (Divine Rope of Lord Ra Riaz) one must support and love Imam Mehdi. 
In the Quran, it says, 'In the end times, God shall come down on earth with his nation; and his nation shall love him and he shall love them.' His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi loves His people and they love Him. When God has come down on earth with his nation, what will he do? He will not come to offer Salat nor will he have people offer Salat. He shall come to love his nation and his nation shall love him. 
To support Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi is to love Him, because He is establishing the Religion of Love. The more people that enter, the larger this caravan shall grow; so to love and to make others love is to support Imam Mehdi. To support Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi in actual sense is to love Gohar Shahi! To admire His beauty is to support Him. If you do not love the HDE Gohar Shahi, but you are standing up and spreading the message of the Divine Signs, you are not included among the supporters of Imam Mehdi.

HDE Gohar Shahi says, 'You cannot love your Murshid (Spiritual Guide) even if you want to. But if the Murshid wants to grant you His love, first he will purify your Nafs. Once your Nafs has been purified, the Murshid will place one of His sub-spirits of the breast in the breast of the disciple. Then you shall forget how you spoke and shall begin to speak like Him, walk like Him, live like Him. This is the stage of perfection (Iteba-e-Kamil).'

How would you speak like Him? The philosophy of love begins with imitation (Iteba). There is a great difference between Iteba (imitation) and Itaat (obedience). Once something belonging to Him enters the breast of the disciple, people think he is copying his Murshid, But it is not the body that is imitating the Murshid, it is the souls. He begins to speak like the Beloved and walk like the Beloved. Essentially love and Iteba are two names of the same thing. Love begins in the heart when the image of the Beloved settles within. Therefore to support and love Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi is to achieve this stage of perfection.
His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi says, 'Successful is one who is in possession of a heart engaged in eternal remembrance of God and a Spiritual Guide who may see to him even from distances.'

Not only must the Spiritual Guide be Kamil (Perfect), but it is necessary for the disciple to be Kamil also. Otherwise those who depend on the Guide for everything yet lack a heart that engages in the eternal remembrance of God surely become misguided one day. If you want the Spiritual Guide to see to you even from a distance, then keep that organ, your heart, purified and engaged in the remembrance of God so that you may receive messages from your Guide upon your heart.

HH Younus AlGohar: My Spiritual Guide Gohar Shahi is present for me, however He is not present for all disciples. Those for who HDE Gohar Shahi is not present for, I am showing them the path of Gohar and this is my agenda.

The Real Reason for Ghaibah:
HH Younus AlGohar: There are many reasons for Ghaibah. It is a test, but the greatest reason for Ghaibah is to introduce His Divine Eminence Sayedna Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi, His reality and His philosophy to the humanity. His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi has given me this time of Ghaibah to do so. HDE wanted to give me a clear coast so that I could freely move about and do what I wanted to do. Therefore, we began the introduction of HDE Gohar Shahi with the Kalima, La Ilaha Illa Riaz. 

Had HDE Gohar Shahi not adopted Occultation (Ghaibah), many people would come to HDE and question Him. And the Lord did not want anybody to come and do so. Rather, His Divine Eminence wanted to see how many people trust him, despite not being able to communicate with the Him.

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said,  'Is it a sin to be Imam Mehdi? These people say I am Imam Mehdi. Had this been incorrect, would I allow them to say so?'

Now that same group of people call His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi Rab al Arbab. People all over the world engage in the Dhikr of Rab al Arbab, ‘Ra Riaz’ and they are obtaining Spiritual Grace from it. If we are misguided, how are people obtaining Spiritual Grace? It is possible for anybody to make up a name and have it settle within the hearts? No.

Those who are under the merciful sight of HDE Gohar Shahi, their heart and soul aspire to be humble dogs of Lord Ra Riaz. HDE Gohar Shahi said that some people will accept us to be their Lord and their Emaan (faith) shall be of the greatest level. This is not made-up. It is proved from the teachings of HDE and written in His writings. HDE Gohar Shahi pointed out the Kalima written on the Sun and said, 'This is the Kalima of Gohar Shahi.' A Kalima belongs to the Lord. Is this not a sign that HDE Gohar Shahi is indeed Lord?  

This era is for the introduction of the Essence of Riaz and Riaz al Jannah. There is a place other than heaven where humanity may go and that is Riaz al Jannah, the Kingdom of Lord Ra Riaz. A common man cannot enter the paradise of a prophet or a saint, however, HDE Gohar Shahi is talking about taking a common man to the Unseen World (Alam-e-Ghaib) where God resides. Now, the man made of clay may enter the Realm of God.

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