A blog about the concept of spirituality as given by His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
What will Imam Mehdi do when He comes?
What is the purpose of Imam
Mehdi’s advent? Imam Mehdi shall come to enlighten the hearts and instil God’s love
in the hearts of humanity and connect all humanity with God regardless of their
religion. Imam Mehdi shall connect people through the Divine Wire to God.
Nobody else can do this. Nobody else can enlighten the hearts of all humanity,
of all religions with ONE name of God. This responsibility is Imam Mehdi’s
Imam Mehdi has been sent by God.
HDE Gohar Shahi shall implant the seed of God’s love in your heart and you
shall see Allah written on your heart and this shall bring about a change in
your life. You shall refrain from sins and once you have been enlightened you
may be able to reach Bait al Mamour in Batin and even further to the essence of
God. Only Imam Mehdi has the ability to do this and HDE Gohar Shahi is doing
just this. The Divine Signs manifested by God are the images of HDE Gohar Shahion the Moon, Hajre Aswad, etc. Therefore HDE Gohar Shahi is Imam Mehdi sentfrom God.
Imam Mehdi shall have the Seal of
Mehdi-hood on His back that shall shine with Divine Light and this Seal of
Mehdi-hood was seen by many individuals on the HDE Gohar Shahi’s back.
Imam Mehdi shall not convert
anybody from their religion. He shall simply enter the name of God into the
hearts and once that connection with God has been restored, which had been lost
due to adulteration and modification in all religions, the people of all
religions shall once again be connected to God through Imam Mehdi. HDE Gohar
Shahi has done what none other can do and that is to implant the name of God,
ONE name of God, into the hearts of all humanity and enlighten their hearts
with the Divine Light of that name, without converting anybody’s religion.
divine love,
gohar shahi,
Grand God,
Imam Mahdi,
Imam Mehdi,
Kalki Avatar,
kalki avtar,
Lord of Lords,
Rab al Arbab,
Riaz al Jannah,
Unseen World
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
To support and love Imam Mehdi, the reality of Occultation, and the Introduction of Rab al Arbab
Of all souls that were created, 97.5% of the greatest souls were saved for the era of Imam Mehdi. The butter of humanity, the cream so to speak, were set to come in this era and no such souls came in the era of Adam Safi Allah, Ibrahim Khalil Allah, Musa Kaleem Allah, Isa Rouh Allah or Mohammad Rasool Allah. The level of understanding of such people is different and they are more open-minded.
On the Day of Azal, the souls standing in the first row were not those of the prophets and saints, but the souls of those who lived all their lives as dogs and at the end supported and loved Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi. This is because of their Nisbat, Nisbat-e-Gohar Shahi (relationship with His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi).
For the sinners, there are two requirements: they must support and love Imam Mehdi.
To support Imam Mehdi does not mean to stand in public holding up signs of the images on the Moon, Sun, Holy Black Stone, etc. What is it to support Imam Mehdi? When all the people of the Abrahamic Faiths come together under the flag of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi and become crazy in the Lord’s love and this message is sent across to the entire world. This is to support Imam Mehdi, to tell the world about the comely face of the Lord and the divine majestic beauty of the Lord. Those who become crazy in the love of the Lord, no Bible, no Quran, no Hadith (Prophetic Tradition) can affect them. The steadfastness in Gohar’s love is such that nothing can have an affect on it. If one has lived his entire live like a dog, where has this steadfastness come from? Gohar’s love. In order to be connected to the Habl-e-Riaz (Divine Rope of Lord Ra Riaz) one must support and love Imam Mehdi.
In the Quran, it says, 'In the end times, God shall come down on earth with his nation; and his nation shall love him and he shall love them.' His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi loves His people and they love Him. When God has come down on earth with his nation, what will he do? He will not come to offer Salat nor will he have people offer Salat. He shall come to love his nation and his nation shall love him.
To support Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi is to love Him, because He is establishing the Religion of Love. The more people that enter, the larger this caravan shall grow; so to love and to make others love is to support Imam Mehdi. To support Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi in actual sense is to love Gohar Shahi! To admire His beauty is to support Him. If you do not love the HDE Gohar Shahi, but you are standing up and spreading the message of the Divine Signs, you are not included among the supporters of Imam Mehdi.
HDE Gohar Shahi says, 'You cannot love your Murshid (Spiritual Guide) even if you want to. But if the Murshid wants to grant you His love, first he will purify your Nafs. Once your Nafs has been purified, the Murshid will place one of His sub-spirits of the breast in the breast of the disciple. Then you shall forget how you spoke and shall begin to speak like Him, walk like Him, live like Him. This is the stage of perfection (Iteba-e-Kamil).'
How would you speak like Him? The philosophy of love begins with imitation (Iteba). There is a great difference between Iteba (imitation) and Itaat (obedience). Once something belonging to Him enters the breast of the disciple, people think he is copying his Murshid, But it is not the body that is imitating the Murshid, it is the souls. He begins to speak like the Beloved and walk like the Beloved. Essentially love and Iteba are two names of the same thing. Love begins in the heart when the image of the Beloved settles within. Therefore to support and love Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi is to achieve this stage of perfection.
His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi says, 'Successful is one who is in possession of a heart engaged in eternal remembrance of God and a Spiritual Guide who may see to him even from distances.'
Not only must the Spiritual Guide be Kamil (Perfect), but it is necessary for the disciple to be Kamil also. Otherwise those who depend on the Guide for everything yet lack a heart that engages in the eternal remembrance of God surely become misguided one day. If you want the Spiritual Guide to see to you even from a distance, then keep that organ, your heart, purified and engaged in the remembrance of God so that you may receive messages from your Guide upon your heart.
HH Younus AlGohar: My Spiritual Guide Gohar Shahi is present for me, however He is not present for all disciples. Those for who HDE Gohar Shahi is not present for, I am showing them the path of Gohar and this is my agenda.
The Real Reason for Ghaibah:
HH Younus AlGohar: There are many reasons for Ghaibah. It is a test, but the greatest reason for Ghaibah is to introduce His Divine Eminence Sayedna Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi, His reality and His philosophy to the humanity. His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi has given me this time of Ghaibah to do so. HDE wanted to give me a clear coast so that I could freely move about and do what I wanted to do. Therefore, we began the introduction of HDE Gohar Shahi with the Kalima, La Ilaha Illa Riaz.
Had HDE Gohar Shahi not adopted Occultation (Ghaibah), many people would come to HDE and question Him. And the Lord did not want anybody to come and do so. Rather, His Divine Eminence wanted to see how many people trust him, despite not being able to communicate with the Him.
His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, 'Is it a sin to be Imam Mehdi? These people say I am Imam Mehdi. Had this been incorrect, would I allow them to say so?'
Now that same group of people call His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi Rab al Arbab. People all over the world engage in the Dhikr of Rab al Arbab, ‘Ra Riaz’ and they are obtaining Spiritual Grace from it. If we are misguided, how are people obtaining Spiritual Grace? It is possible for anybody to make up a name and have it settle within the hearts? No.
Those who are under the merciful sight of HDE Gohar Shahi, their heart and soul aspire to be humble dogs of Lord Ra Riaz. HDE Gohar Shahi said that some people will accept us to be their Lord and their Emaan (faith) shall be of the greatest level. This is not made-up. It is proved from the teachings of HDE and written in His writings. HDE Gohar Shahi pointed out the Kalima written on the Sun and said, 'This is the Kalima of Gohar Shahi.' A Kalima belongs to the Lord. Is this not a sign that HDE Gohar Shahi is indeed Lord?
This era is for the introduction of the Essence of Riaz and Riaz al Jannah. There is a place other than heaven where humanity may go and that is Riaz al Jannah, the Kingdom of Lord Ra Riaz. A common man cannot enter the paradise of a prophet or a saint, however, HDE Gohar Shahi is talking about taking a common man to the Unseen World (Alam-e-Ghaib) where God resides. Now, the man made of clay may enter the Realm of God.
divine love,
gohar shahi,
Grand God,
Imam Mahdi,
Imam Mehdi,
Kalki Avatar,
Lord of Lords,
Rab al Arbab,
Rab ul Arbab,
Riaz al Jannah,
Unseen World
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Existence of God, Imam Mehdi, and Rab al Arbab
The following is an excerpt from His Holiness Younus AlGohar's speech on YouTube (via www.rariazgoharshahi.blogspot.com)
HDE Gohar Shahi is the Last Caliph of God on earth, being Imam Mehdi. Imam Mehdi is the Last Vicegerent of God on earth and Adam Safi Allah is the First Caliph of God on earth. The First Caliph was not born and the Last Caliph was not born. Adam Safi Allah descended on earth in Sri Lanka. Can we call him Sri Lankan? HDE Gohar Shahi descended in Gujar Khan. Can we call HDE a Pakistani? The prophets, the saints and deputies of God have no tribe, they have no nation. All Momineen are their nation and their tribe is the set of beliefs they establish. Prophet Mohammad's tribe is Islam and his nation is his Ummah. Don’t think HDE Gohar Shahi descended in Pakistan so He is Pakistani or that His language is Potohari. HDE Gohar Shahi’s language is Suryani and He was not born, rather He descended on earth.
His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz has always existed and the permanent and primary domicile of that existence is Riaz al Jannah, Alam-e-Ghaib. But branches have been derived out from the primary existence. God exists in Alam-e-Ahdiyat, but at the same time he also exists in the body of Prophet Mohammad. These are the branches of existence. God exists in Alam-e-Ahdiyat but at the same time Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani represented the existence of God on earth. That was the branch of existence. If God is an ocean, then Prophet Mohammad is the same wave from that ocean.
HDE Gohar Shahi comes from the Unseen World. His Divine Eminence is not a human being and does not need a body to be here in this world. Then why does HDE Gohar Shahi have a body? If you do not have a body, can people see your soul? No. This is why HDE Gohar Shahi has to have a body. A container was given to Him to contain his existence and that container is the same container that contained the soul of Prophet Mohammad. This existence belongs to the rank of Imam Mehdi, but prior to this newly introduced existence of HDE Gohar Shahi, the very essence of Lord Ra Riaz pre-existed.
You say Prophet Mohammad was born, and he had a genuine father and mother - that is what people talk about and what is being said but nobody knows who said it. But here, we tell you something which is not knowledge, it is a fact. Prophet Mohammad, apart from what the Quran said in a very vague way –
The Existence of God and Ahadith
We all know God exists, but who knows for sure? Muslims say that it is written in Quran, but what is the authenticity of the Quran? God said it, but what God said has been prevailing for many thousand years. The Bible has been modified and adulterated; the Torah has been modified and adulterated. Most probably you will say that the Quran said, ‘We have sent down this book and we ourselves keep it secure.’ But there is a question mark: what is the authenticity of the Quran? If you want to establish the truth, you have to prove it with something greater than what is already questionable. Today’s Islam is not in accordance with Islam, and the Ahadith we have available in printed form have been rearranged, deranged, and rearranged many times. For example, the collection of Ahadith by Imam Bukhari at one point in time used to be called Bukhari Shareef, and the collection of Ahadith by Imam Muslim was called Muslim Shareef. But then it was rearranged and some of the Hadith were removed. The question is, why did you remove it? They say, ‘It didn’t reach the standard of authenticity, it was unauthentic.’ Mark it as unauthentic, but why did you remove it? On what authority did you remove the Ahadith? Many Ahadith have been omitted forever and when they removed a considerable amount of Ahadith, Bukhari Shareef became Sahih Bukhari Shareef. So what about the thousands of Muslims who definitely must have believed in those wrong Hadith and would have shaped their Aqeeda (tenet) in accordance to those Hadith which have been removed? Now who is responsible for their misguidance? Muslims can believe it or reject it; it doesn’t really make a difference. One thing is quite clear: Ahadith no matter if it is the collection of Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Ibn-e-Majah, and so many other narrators, the authenticity is questionable. More than 300,000 Ahadith have been added to the collection of Ahadith and more than 300,000 Ahadith are fake Ahadith.
According to His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi, what is the necessity of Ahadith in Islam when you already have Quran? Most Muslims want to see a reference from the Quran; they do not give much importance to Ahadith. The Quran itself relies on the Ahadith because,
His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi says, ‘Most of the words of the Quran are not Arabic words; they are Suryani words.’
When Quran was revealed, everybody knew fluent Arabic. Abu Jahal’s Arabic was really fantastic. They spoke Arabic well and all the Companions of the Prophet, their mother-tongue was Arabic; but even then they did not understand the Quran fully because some of the words were not in Arabic, but in Suryani. They asked the Prophet Mohammad what they meant and Prophet Mohammad explained the Quran which became Ahadith. Those who raise a slogan of believing and trusting in Quran and putting Ahadith aside are losers. Without Ahadith, the Quran is not comprehensible, because Ahadith are the first explanation and true interpretation of the Quran. Nobody can interpret the Quran better than the one who received the Quran in his heart. So Prophet Mohammad's interpretation of the Quran is not only the most authentic but the most accurate one. Nobody knows God more than Prophet Mohammad. If you put aside Ahadith and you want to find guidance in the Quran, you will only end up falling into the mischief of another sectarian denomination. So my friends, the fact that God exists is a piece of information.
Like a criminal is not to be called a criminal until he is tried in the court of law and a judgement is passed against his criminology, in a similar way, God exists but it will become reality only when somebody has seen this truth. God does exist to those only who have seen his existence, and others who have just heard it on the grapevine or read it, for them it is not reality. God has just one type of existence. He exists in his domain. It is called Alam-e-Ahdiyat. Then, he appoints human beings on earth, he anoints them, and he invests in them with some portion of his true existence. As a result of which, individuals like Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz, Data Ali Hajweri, Nizamuddin Auliya, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, Laal Shahbaz Qalandar, Imam Abu Hanifa became the true embodiment of God and true vicegerent of God, who not only represented the divine message of God but at the same time they represented God’s presence and existence on earth. The first fundamental and basic existence of God is to be traced in the Domain of God which is Alam-e-Ahdiyat. And sub-existence, partial existence, a drop of existence from the mammoth river of the divine existence is given to his friends and through them he exists and that is called the sub-existence.
According to the a tradition of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (Hadith-e-Qudsi), God said, ‘When my servant enters my proximity, I become his tongue with which I speak through him, I become his legs with which he walks on earth, I become his arms and hands, his eyes.’
This is the Divine Union between God and man, amalgamation of the soul, a very profound dip in the divine ocean. As a result of which, spiritual union is established and the man begins to live in God's life.
Existence (Wajood) of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi
Sayedna Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi is the full name that His Divine Eminence has used. Gohar Shahi comes from the family; Ahmed is added to the name of HDE because of the souls, spirits of Prophet Mohammad.
Riaz - before I enter into the lengthy details on the subject, I would like to clarify this point to all listeners that HDE Gohar Shahi is not like any human being. Talking about the existence of HDE Gohar Shahi, the first and foremost thing we need to understand is to know whether HDE Gohar Shahi is a human being. If HDE Gohar Shahi is not a human being, then how did He come into this world? Human beings are born through the sexual reproductive system - mother and father, their eggs are fertilized; a woman becomes pregnant, she keeps the baby for 9 months in her belly and at the fixed time she delivers the baby. Is this what happened when HDE Gohar Shahi came into this world? The answer is no. HDE Gohar Shahi was not born to anybody and He did not spend a single microsecond in a human belly.
The commonly known mother of HDE Gohar Shahi said, ‘I never had any labour pains and one morning I woke up from deep sleep because a baby was crying.’ HDE’s mother (as they say it) was sleeping fast and she woke up because of the noise of a baby crying. Is it possible that a woman goes through delivery and she does not wake up? You know in Pakistan, when a woman goes through labour the entire locality wakes up. They scream and it’s like the Day of Judgement is around the corner. Now they have found a quick way out, C-section. In the olden days such a facility was not available. So, it is not possible that the mother is sleeping and she delivers a baby and even then she does not wake up. Therefore, HDE Gohar Shahi was not born.
HDE Gohar Shahi is the Last Caliph of God on earth, being Imam Mehdi. Imam Mehdi is the Last Vicegerent of God on earth and Adam Safi Allah is the First Caliph of God on earth. The First Caliph was not born and the Last Caliph was not born. Adam Safi Allah descended on earth in Sri Lanka. Can we call him Sri Lankan? HDE Gohar Shahi descended in Gujar Khan. Can we call HDE a Pakistani? The prophets, the saints and deputies of God have no tribe, they have no nation. All Momineen are their nation and their tribe is the set of beliefs they establish. Prophet Mohammad's tribe is Islam and his nation is his Ummah. Don’t think HDE Gohar Shahi descended in Pakistan so He is Pakistani or that His language is Potohari. HDE Gohar Shahi’s language is Suryani and He was not born, rather He descended on earth.
His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz has always existed and the permanent and primary domicile of that existence is Riaz al Jannah, Alam-e-Ghaib. But branches have been derived out from the primary existence. God exists in Alam-e-Ahdiyat, but at the same time he also exists in the body of Prophet Mohammad. These are the branches of existence. God exists in Alam-e-Ahdiyat but at the same time Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani represented the existence of God on earth. That was the branch of existence. If God is an ocean, then Prophet Mohammad is the same wave from that ocean.
HDE Gohar Shahi comes from the Unseen World. His Divine Eminence is not a human being and does not need a body to be here in this world. Then why does HDE Gohar Shahi have a body? If you do not have a body, can people see your soul? No. This is why HDE Gohar Shahi has to have a body. A container was given to Him to contain his existence and that container is the same container that contained the soul of Prophet Mohammad. This existence belongs to the rank of Imam Mehdi, but prior to this newly introduced existence of HDE Gohar Shahi, the very essence of Lord Ra Riaz pre-existed.
You say Prophet Mohammad was born, and he had a genuine father and mother - that is what people talk about and what is being said but nobody knows who said it. But here, we tell you something which is not knowledge, it is a fact. Prophet Mohammad, apart from what the Quran said in a very vague way –
قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَنَا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُكُمْ
Can anybody prove that Prophet Mohammad is a human being? If Muslims say, ‘Prophet Mohammad is a human being,’ then they will have to deny the event of the Night of Ascension. Before the Night of Ascension, the body of Prophet Mohammad had a shadow but after this event why was there no shadow? Prophet Mohammad is not a human being; he is the Noor (Divine Light) of God. Prophet Mohammad is not a human being and this is the problem with Muslims. When Muslims found out the Prophet Mohammad came to this world two years after the death of Abdullah (the husband of his mother, Amina Bibi) they did not have any explanation for this. Therefore, they added this law into the Sharia that any child born 2 years after the separation of a mother and her husband would still be considered to be the husband’s child. This is their self-made Sharia. Prophet Mohammad, however, is not the son of Abdullah; rather he is the Divine Light of God.
His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, ‘Gabriel gave the mother of Prophet Mohammad a white milk-like liquid mixed with a seed of light from the Shajarah tul Noor, which she drank and became pregnant.’
The physical body of HDE Gohar Shahi has the Arzi Arwah (terrestrial souls) of Prophet Mohammad, but within it resides the Zaat of Riaz. There is no celestial soul and the main existence in the physical body is the Essence of Riaz. When we say Rab al Arbab, we point to the Zaat of Riaz. And the Zaat of Riaz came into this world in the guise of Imam Mehdi. Like Prophet Mohammad is Noor (Divine Light) in the guise of Bashar (man). Like the angels Harut and Marut came into this world in the guise of men; but you cannot call them men, they are angels. Gabriel came in the guise of a Companion of the Prophet; does it mean he is a human being? No. Prophet Mohammad is the Noor of God but in the guise of a prophet. Rab al Arbab is Zaat-e-Riaz and came into this world in the guise of Imam Mehdi. Now can we call His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi Rab al Arbab? You cannot see Rab al Arbab if you are not related to Rab al Arbab. If you can see Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi, you see the body only. You are allowed to say Rab al Arbab to call upon Zaat-e-Riaz when you can see Zaat-e-Riaz.
The Eminence of Imam Mehdi
For a moment, become naïve to HDE Gohar Shahi and let’s talk about the concept of Imam Mehdi. According to narrations, we learn that Imam Mehdi is greater than all the prophets. This is according to the narrations of Prophet Mohammad, Aima-e-Akram, Ahle Bayt, Auliya and Fuqra. This greatness of Imam Mehdi which entitles Him to be greater than prophets and messengers comes from God. Now, due to the fact that Imam Mehdi is assisted by the Zaat of Riaz, this takes the rank of Imam Mehdi to unimaginable spiritual heights. With the help of the flavour of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s personality to the rank of Imam Mehdi and with the help of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s association with Imam Mehdi, human beings can now enter the Unseen World. If HDE Gohar Shahi had not been Imam Mehdi, than anybody else being Imam Mehdi would not be able to say such things or possess such power or authority to take anybody into the Unseen World.
Quran: O’ Prophet, say it to the people, Ghaib (Unseen) is for God only.
Even prophets and messengers cannot enter the Unseen World. But Imam Mehdi will take whatsoever number of human beings he would like to.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
The Sacredness of Kaba
The Sacredness of K'aba lies in the image of Gohar Shahi which shines in the Holy Black Stone, and the K'aba without this image is void of any sacredness!
The image on the right is the original image of the Holy Black Stone; the image on the left is the same image digitally brightened as to reveal more clearly the image within.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Believe the fact God wants to look at you also, but you are either naive, careless or ill-fated. You beautify and groom your face with soap and cream because people look at it. Have you ever cleansed what God wants to look at? - The Religion of God by His Divine Eminence RA Gohar Shahi
What we need today is LOVE
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His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi |
The Bible said, ‘God is love, love is God. One who doesn’t know love, he doesn’t know God.’ Then the Quran also mentions the same thing in different phraseology. The Quran said, 'Towards the twilight of this world, when all the believers would have shunned their religions, God would come on earth with his nation and his nation would love him and he would love them.' He is love and this is the Quran.
HDE Gohar Shahi says, ‘There is one particular thing that is to be searched for in a human heart, and that is love. If you have God’s love in your heart then you do not need a religion.'
The Awaited One, His Holiness, His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz has made a statement and also mentioned it in his Holy Book that all you need to furnish your heart with is Divine Love. If you have introduced Divine Love to your heart and your heart has accepted Divine Love, then you do not need any religion at all. Today we do not need supremacy of any religion or other doctrine. All we need is global peace and God’s love. Enough atrocities have been made under the label of a religion, under the label of God. But there is no justification for killing humanity in God’s name, because God presumably is the Creator of all human beings and he wouldn’t fancy killing a human being without a reason. One can be pardoned with a killing if they killed a person who is a potential danger to humanity. Such persons should be punished and they are punished according to the Court of Law. Otherwise, there is no justification for killing a human being. God doesn’t like it. He is the Creator, why would he like somebody who kills his creation?
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